Legal Issues
Legal Issues is a service where our investigators can give support to the Legal Profession. This may be in the form of Statement Taking or in order to gather evidential material in support of any prosecution or defence hearing.
The majority of the Southdowns Investigations team are from Law Enforcement backgrounds and therefore have a professional and experienced working knowledge associated with information gathering and legal proceedings.
More and more people are turning to Insurance Fraud as a means of supplementing their income. This is often done by submitting some form of debilitating Personal Injury Claim. This is a common fraudulent claim where a person alleges an injury which the medical profession are unable to diagnose or confirm. Our Investigators are proficient in monitoring suspected claimants, usually by way of Surveillance, in order to determine the facts purported are compliant with the claim made.
Other falsely made claims are in the form of Unemployment Benefit Fraud. This is when a person claims unemployment benefit but is in fact working. This fraudulent offence is very common, often used for ‘cash in hand’ employment when no records of work are maintained.
Southdowns Investigators are able to determine this type of activity and can supply video or still photography as evidential support of the offence. This activity would generally be managed by means of Surveillance deployment.
Before the commencement of any investigation an initial task will be to locate, trace and confirm the residence of the subject. In the majority of instances an address will be supplied for this purpose.
Should this information not be available our Investigators are able to determine this information through their enquiries.
This method of enquiry is often used when there is a requirement to initiate the service of summons associated with Debtor Tracing.
All investigators are compliant in recording any incident or fact in a written document form by way of Statement Taking. Some of our investigators are trained in specialist areas of this service which include, Advanced Cognitive Witness Interviews. This enables the recording of statements from children, vulnerable adults and people with learning difficulties.
Experience in Law Enforcement at all levels has allowed our investigators to attain proficient skills for Evidential Preparation and Intelligence Support in any legal proceedings. Experience of this nature has developed during our investigations and the preparation of prosecution files. This, in the majority of cases emanates initially as a result of clear and concise intelligence or information which allows us to piece together the matter under investigation. Often during legal proceedings, intelligence or information may require further clarification. Our investigators are able to assist with this, utilising their knowledge and expertise.